Dear Valued Customers,
As you know, springtime is finally upon us! Every year around this time, many roads in the area we serve have the posted axle weight lowered as the ground softens in order to protect roadways from damage under heavy loads. These changes typically happen from late March to early June and vary based on the county and the individual road itself. Many roads are under a 90% road ban year-round, however, during this time of year the posted axle weight on many weight-restricted roads is lowered to 75% and even down to 50% in some areas. Please keep in mind that some roads maintain a 50% – 75% road ban all year round. Visit your county’s website for specific details to stay informed.
Generally, under a 75% road ban, a single load will contain 5 m³ (1,100 imperial gallons), and double loads will contain a maximum of 10 m³ (2,200 imperial gallons).
We want to ensure that you are aware of these changes in how much water we can haul at one time, which may affect the quantity we can deliver for your cistern.
Please consider this when evaluating your water delivery frequency so that you are not running out of water earlier than anticipated. We are happy to work with you to change your frequency if needed! Give us a call at
(780) 922-3117 to adjust or set up a recurring schedule.
For more details on local road bans in your area, please visit the public works or roads and transportation section on your county or city website.
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Thank you for your co-operation.
The Strathcona Septic & Water Team
Septic tanks are complex systems that were designed upon the concept of separating solids and liquids, discharging the effluent (clear liquid) out to a drain field while holding the solids to be broken down by naturally occurring bacteria and settle in the tank as sludge, or float to the top as the scum layer. The solids in the tank are composed of organic and inorganic matter. What is considered organic in your septic system? Anything that goes through the digestive system in the body that provides the bacteria a septic tank needs.
The most important factor in septic system failure is the inorganic material that can’t break down easily, if at all. Inorganic material can sneak into septic tanks without you knowing. For example, synthetic fibers from clothing such as polyester, rayon, acrylics, etc., enter the septic tank from the washing machine drain, Just think of all the lint you empty from your dryer! There are also plenty of in-organics flushed down drains and toilets that build up over time: oils, facial tissue, food scraps, coffee grounds, chemicals, “flushable” wipes, and more. This inorganic material won’t go away, it must be pumped out by a vacuum truck.
Additives or air-injection products going into the solid side of the tank that claim they can completely remove organic solids do not address the inevitable inorganic material buildup. Air-injection pumps are not only costly to run constantly on electricity, they contribute to the degradation of the concrete that your tank is made of when exposed to gases. Not to mention, pumping air into your tanks’ solid side can increase odours.
Solids that can’t be eliminated naturally should never be dissolved or suspended into liquid form and discharged to your field. This puts a huge strain on your system – forcing suspended solids to be pumped out as liquid can clog your drain field or mound and shorten the lifespan of your septic system. Anything that claims to eliminate the need to clean the septic tank by breaking down the solids does not make the solids go away, it suspends them into small particles. Once the effluent is dispersed into the groundwater, the solids remain in your drain field.
Unfortunately, there is no trick to restore a 25 to 40 year old septic system. The best way to take care of your system is to be responsible with what you flush or drain out of your home, and have Strathcona Septic Tank Services regularly clean the tanks, baskets, and screens and dispose of the waste properly for you.
If you have a septic system and have questions, give us a call and, free of charge, we will happily discuss your concerns, ensuring you are thoroughly educated on your system and the options you have to keep it running optimally for as long as possible.
Dear Valued Customers,
At Strathcona Septic Tank Services, we are committed to supporting the well being of our community by keeping our customers and employees safe and healthy without interruption to the vital utility services and emergency response we provide. We are open and will remain open during this time of need. We are here to continue to provide the highest level of service and safety that you have come to expect.
Strathcona Septic Tank Services (SSTS) is monitoring the COVID-19 situation very closely and has implemented some new procedures in response to ensure our customers and staff are safe and healthy. Circumstances could change rapidly in these uncertain times, which means that these procedures are fluid and subject to change as we continue to act proactively on the situation. Please review the newest procedures below:
We will take all the necessary precautions we can to help limit the spread of COVID-19 and protect the vulnerable and high-risk individuals within our community. As the premier rural water and sewer company, our priority is to support our employees and customers in these uncertain times. We remain committed to providing our customers with the best level of service possible with no interruptions to service. Going forward, if any changes or disruptions are set to occur, we will inform you as soon as possible.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact your regular SSTS point of contact or call us at (780) 922-3117
From our family to yours, stay safe and take care.
Strathcona Septic Tank Services